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▲Lamborghini Urus休旅車成功為品牌開拓新的客源,並帶來實質銷量成長。
根據《Motor Trend》記者Jonny Lieberman的「可靠消息來源」表示,藍寶堅尼將於2年後推出Urus高性能版本(暫稱Urus Performante)。儘管詳細內容並未得知,但Urus Performante可望在調校4.0升V8雙渦輪引擎後,使最大馬力上看700匹,比現行販售的Urus(最大馬力641匹/86.7公斤米扭力)更為強悍。
Some news: Lamborghini is going to build a higher performance version of the Urus. For lack of a better name, we’ll just call it the Urus Performante, though that’s most certainly not the name. A well placed source recently confirmed the UP’s existence to me. Details? None. We can assume more power, less weight, tweaked suspension, better tires, and since it’s Lambo, some version of their active aero system, ALA. Timeframe? No clue, but I’d expect the Urus P to follow a similar Huracán/Performante cadence. Figure two more years until it shows up. I figure Porsche has to roll out the Cayenne Turbo Coupe GT/GT5 first, and then the high performance Urus can slot in above that thing. There will also be a high output hybrid Urus, but that’s a different vehicle. I hope Lambo also builds a more off road focused variant of the Urus. Why not?? #lamborghini #urus #urusperformante @lamborghini ????????????????????
Jonny Lieberman(@jonnylieberman)分享的貼文 於 張貼
此外,藍寶堅尼也會針對Urus Performante進行輕量化工程,並重新調校Anima動態駕駛模式,或是予以搭載ALA主動空力系統(Aerodynamica Lamborghini Attiva),進一步提爭戰鬥實力。

▲ Lamborghini Urus Performante可望在2年後亮相,並具有上看700匹最大馬力的實力。
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除了性能版的Urus Performante外,藍寶堅尼先前也曾對外證實,Urus將會提供Hybrid油電混合車型,並搭載同集團Porsche(保時捷)Panamera Turbo S E-Hybrid的油電動力系統,具有最大馬力約680匹的性能表現。