
▲▼ 英國單車旅遊部落客艾略特(Juliet Elliott)。(圖/翻攝自IG/julietelliott)

▲ 艾略特先前提到,還想再來台灣。(圖/翻攝自IG/julietelliott)


英國單車旅遊部落客艾略特(Juliet Elliott)去年11月來台單車環島9天,沿經台中大甲、彰化鹿港、高雄、屏東車城、花連等地,不但狂讚西岸自行車道與東岸的無敵景色,也大啖在地美食。如今,她與丈夫戴夫(Dave)已在幾個月前領養一名女孩,過著為人母親的生活,同時兼顧她的單車人生。





在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

A few people have noticed that my husband @dave_noakes started posting photos of a child this year. Last week someone asked me on my story whether I had any kids. Then my friend @kymnonstop said someone had asked her the same thing (about me).. • So here goes...Earlier this year, Dave and I adopted a little girl. She is incredible and I feel like the luckiest person alive! I wasn’t sure whether to post anything here but after a lot of reflection, I thought hey, being adopted means you were wanted more than anything. It doesn’t need to be hidden.. • Getting to this point has taken so long and been so hard. I’ve not shared the journey because it was so difficult, personal, scary and exhausting. Over the last couple of years I competed in @redhookcrit in between rounds of IVF. The cycling helped keep me sane, when I was allowed to ride, that is. One London based doctor banned me from riding for the entire cycle and that was awful! • When that didn’t work, We undertook incredibly intense training as prospective adopters, had our entire lives and past scrutinised, were assessed, grilled and assessed again. We filled in form after form. A social worker interviewed us for two hours each week for ten weeks. We waited and waited. We fought and grew sadder and more frustrated. But then..... our daughter arrived!!! • If you’re doing through something tough yourself, I hope this story can inspire you to keep going and to never give up hope. Try and carry on doing what makes you YOU as much as you can. For me, that was cycling!

Juliet Elliott(@julietelliott)分享的貼文 於 張貼



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